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ASTM D5098-16R21

Spécification standard pour les peintures acryliques à dispersion pour artistes


About this standard

Publication date
01 November 2021
Withdrawn Date

About this training


< div class=" SectionLevel2" > < p class=" subsec1 cdone2" > < span class=" Head3 cdone" > 1.1< / span>  Cette spécification établit les exigences relatives à la composition, aux propriétés physiques, aux performances et à l' étiquetage de l' émulsion acrylique pour artistes. peintures.

< / div> < div class=" SectionLevel2" > < p class=" subsec1 cdone2" > < span class=" Head3 cdone" > 1.2< / span>  Cette spécification couvre les pigments, les véhicules et les additifs. . Des exigences sont incluses pour l' identification des pigments, la résistance à la lumière, le saignement, la consistance et le temps de séchage.

< / div> < div class=" SectionLevel2" > < p class=" subsec1 cdone2" > < span class=" Head3 cdone" > 1.3< / span>  < span class=" Body-link1 cdone" > Tableau 1< / span> répertorie certains pigments répondant aux exigences de résistance à la lumière de cette spécification. Afin d' identifier d' autres pigments qui répondent à ces exigences, des instructions sont données pour la préparation des éprouvettes. Les méthodes de test permettant de déterminer la résistance relative à la lumière sont référencées.

< div class=" ParaCenter" > < table style=" border-collapse: collapse border-top-style:none border-top-color:black border- largeur supérieure : 2 px  style de bordure inférieure : solide  couleur de bordure inférieure : noir  largeur de bordure inférieure : 1 px   " class=" datatable bigtable gridtype" width=" 963px" > < col align=" left" width=" 111px" style=" border-right-style:solid border-right-width:2px border-right-color : #000000 " > < / col> < col align=" center" width=" 155px" style=" border-right-style:solid border-right-width:2px border-right-color:#000000 " > < / col> < col align=" center" width=" 595px" style=" border-right-style:solid border-right-width:2px border-right-color:#000000 " > < / col > < col align=" center" width=" 102px" > < / col> < thead class=" cdone" > < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:middle border-bottom-style:solid border- couleur du bas: noir bordure-bas-largeur: 1px " rowspan=" 2" > < p style=" text-align:center " class=" tablecell_standard" > Nom de l' index de couleur

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:middle border-bottom-style:solid border-bottom-color:black border-bottom-width : 1px " > < p style=" text-align:center " class=" tablecell_standard" > Catégorie de résistance à la lumière

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:middle border-bottom-style:solid border-bottom-color:black border-bottom-width:1px " rowspan=" 2" > < p style=" text-align:center " class=" tablecell_standard" > Nom commun et classe chimique

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:middle border-bottom-style:solid border-bottom-color:black border-bottom- largeur:1px " rowspan=" 2" > < p style=" text-align:left " class=" tablecell_standard" > Numéro d' index de couleur

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:middle border-bottom-style:solid border-bottom-color:black bordure-bottom-width:1px " > < p style=" text-align:center " class=" tablecell_standard" > Acrylique

< / td> < / tr> < / thead> < tbody class=" cdone" > < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style =" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" >  

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented " >  

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" overriddenformat" style=" font-weight:bold " > JAUNES< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" >  

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class= " cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 3< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align : center" class=" tablecell_indented" > II

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < classe span =" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Arylide Yellow 10G< / span> , avec possibilité d' ajouter le nom Hansa Yellow Light, jaune arylide

< / td> < td style=" vertical- align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 11710

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > 35 PY< / span>

< / td > < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Cadmium (désignation de teinte)< / span> , cadmium concentré sulfure de zinc (CC) (SM)

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 77205< / p > < / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style =" text-decoration:underline " > PY 35:1< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Cadmium- (désignation de teinte)< / span> , sulfure de cadmium et de zinc coprécipité avec du sulfate de baryum (SM)

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align :top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 77205:1

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 37< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align: top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Cadmium (désignation de teinte)< / span> , concentré sulfate de cadmium (CC) (SM)

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 77199< / p > < / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style =" text-decoration:underline " > PY 37:1< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Cadmium-Baryum (désignation de teinte)< / span> , sulfure de cadmium coprécipité avec du sulfate de baryum (SM)

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align :top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 77199:1

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 42< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align: top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_standard" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Jaune de Mars< / span> ou < span class= " cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Oxyde de fer jaune< / span> , avec possibilité d' ajouter le nom Oxyde de fer jaune,
oxyde de fer synthétique hydraté

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 77492

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical -align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 42< / span> < / p> < / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Mars Orange< / span> ou < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Oxyde de fer orange< / span> , oxyde de fer synthétique hydraté

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 77492

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style =" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 43< / span>

< / td> < td style= " vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Ocre jaune< / span> , oxyde de fer naturel hydraté

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 77492

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 53< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Titanate de nickel jaune < / span> , oxydes de nickel, d' antimoine et de titane

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 77788

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class= " cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 65< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align : center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < classe span =" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Arylide Yellow RN< / span> , avec possibilité d' ajouter du Hansa Yellow RN, arylide yellow

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align : top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 11740

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 73< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Arylide Yellow GX< / span> , avec possibilité d' ajouter le nom Hansa Yellow GX, jaune arylide

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 11738

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 74 (LF)< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" classe =" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2 " style=" text-decoration:underline " > Arylide Yellow 5Gx< / span> , avec possibilité d' ajouter du Hansa Yellow 5GX, arylide yellow

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 11741

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style =" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 83 (HR70)< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Diarylide Jaune HR70< / span> , diarylide jaune

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 21108

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 97 < / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td > < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Arylide Jaune FGL< / span> , jaune arylide

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 11767< / p> < / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 98< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" classe =" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2 " style=" text-decoration:underline " > Arylide Yellow 10GX< / span> , avec possibilité d' ajouter le nom Hansa Yellow 10GX, jaune arylide

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 11727

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 108< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Jaune d' anthrapyrimidine< / span> , anthrapyrimidine

< / td > < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 68420

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style =" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 109< / span >

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Isoindolinone Jaune G< / span> , tétrachloroisoindolinone

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > NA

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text -decoration:underline " > PY 110< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > Je

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Isoindolinone Yellow R< / span> , tétrachloroisoindolinone

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" classe =" tablecell_indented" > 56280

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 112< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style= " text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented " > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Flavanthrone Jaune< / span> , flavanthrone

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 70600

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 138< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical -align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style= " text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Quinophthalone jaune< / span> , quinophthalone

< / td> < td style =" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 56300

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical- align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > 139 PY< / span> < / p > < / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical -align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Jaune isoindoline< / span> , isoindoline

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > NA

< / td> < / tr > < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 150< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I< / p > < / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Nickel Azo Yellow< / span> , complexe de nickel azo

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented " > NA

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 151< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text- align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Benzimidazolone (désignation de teinte) H4G< / span> , benzimidazolone

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 13980

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style= " text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 153< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style =" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Nickel Dioxine Yellow< / span> , complexe de nickel jaune dioxine

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > NA

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 154< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Benzimidazolone (teinte désignation) H3G< / span> , benzimidazolone

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 11781< / p> < / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 175< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" classe =" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2 " style=" text-decoration:underline " > Benzimidazolone (désignation de teinte) H6G< / span> , benzimidazolone

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > 11784

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align : left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > PY 184< / span>

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > I

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align :left" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span class=" cdone2" style=" text-decoration:underline " > Bismuth Vanadate Jaune< / span> , vanadate de bismuth

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" > NA

< / td> < / tr> < tr> < td style=" vertical-align : top " > < p style=" text-align:left" class=" tablecell_indented" >  

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align :center" class=" tablecell_indented" >  

< / td> < td style=" vertical-align:top " > < p style=" text-align:center" class=" tablecell_indented" > < span classe =" overriddenformat" style=" font-weight:bold " > ORANGES< / span>

< / td> < td styl