ISO 9001 is an international standard for quality management. It provides a framework for organisations to implement processes that ensure products and services meet customer requirements and relevant regulations. The ISO 9001 standard is designed to raise quality awareness at your organisation through a four-step cycle: plan, implement, control and adjust. This is how you ensure continuous quality improvement.
Do you want to have the correct implementation of standard ISO 9001 determined by an independent body? That's called certification. It's written proof that you meet all the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard.
Please note that although ISO and NBN facilitate the development of these standards, these organisations are not involved in their certification.
Do you want to find out more about certification, which institutions certify and how to prepare your organisation for certification? Learn more on our certification page or in our white paper on certification.
In the Quality Management Standards Committee, different organisations and institutions work together to reach agreements on various aspects of quality management. Do you want to know how you or your organisation can participate in this committee? Find out how you and your organisation can help shape the next version of ISO 9001, the standard for quality management worldwide.
Learn more about the Quality Management Standards Committee
View our training offerings for various ISO management standards. Learn the basics and implement the standard in your organisation.
Do you want to implement the ISO 9001 standard in your organisation, but aren't sure where to start?
NBN helps you on your way!
Do you want to implement the ISO 14001 standard in your organisation, but aren't sure where to start? NBN helps you on your way!
Do you want to implement the ISO/IEC 27001 standard in your organisation, but aren't sure where to start? NBN helps you on your way!
Want to implement the ISO 45001 standard in your organisation, but not sure where to start? NBN helps you on your way!
Do you want to implement the ISO/IEC 17025 standard in your organisation, but aren't sure where to start? NBN helps you on your way!