
Curious about our most relevant topics? From this page, you can explore the most popular topics within our industry.
Little girl holding a teddy bear

Fire safety

Learn about the different phases of fire safety. And discover how and which best practices will help you stay safe.
Discover all stages


Any building or engineering structure must be designed and constructed robustly and safely. In Europe, Eurocodes guarantee this.
Explore Eurocodes

Medical devices

The list of standards for medical devices is long. On this page, we outline the most important ones for you.
Check the list

CE marking

Many products that are manufactured in Europe or imported from outside Europe must carry a CE mark.
Read more about CE marking

Get certified

What is certification anyway? How do you get a certificate? And what benefits does it offer your company? Shift up a gear and check out our e-book!
Get that certificate!

Customer satisfaction

Successful organisations excel at customer focus. Standards for customer satisfaction help you do that.
Increase your customer satisfaction


Innovation management helps you introduce innovation into your organisation. That way, you can stay one step ahead of the competition.
Read all about it

Sustainable development

We must commit to sustainable development standards if we want to leave our children a livable planet.
Commit to sustainable development


Standards help put the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs, into practice.
Find out more about SDGs