ISO 50001 - Energy management

Reduce your energy consumption with ISO 50001, the international standard for energy management.
ISO 50001 energy management

What is ISO 50001

ISO 50001 is the internationally recognised standard for energy management systems (EnMS) that helps organisations systematically improve their energy performance and use energy more efficiently. By following the standard, organisations can optimise their energy use, reduce costs and meet regulatory requirements.

In addition, ISO 50001 helps achieve energy goals and reduces ecological impact.

The standard is suitable for organisations of any size or sector and can be easily integrated with other management systems such as ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment).

NBN EN ISO 50001:2018

Energy management systems - Requirements with usage guidelines

Benefits of ISO 50001

Lower costs

Making maximum use of energy resources and energy-intensive assets reduces both your costs and consumption.

Reduced environmental impact

Less energy consumption means less greenhouse gas emissions and thus less damage to our planet.

Stronger reputation

The consequence of a more energy-efficient policy with ISO 50001? It strengthens your corporate reputation (also internationally) by underlining your commitment to sustainability and an efficient energy management.

In line with the SDGs

Are you working with an energy management system? If so, you're contributing to several sustainable development goals or SDGs. Consider SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy), SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities), SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production) and SDG 13 (climate action).
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In addition, an efficient energy management plays a major role in our sustainability policy. This means we’re fully committed to reduced carbon emissions and lower energy bills. To this end, we look to the ISO 50001 standard in particular, which fits in perfectly with ISO 14001 for environmental management.
Tine Moens
Energy and environmental management system coordinator at The Facility Organisation

ISO 50001 certification

Do you want to have the correct application of ISO 50001 confirmed by an independent body? This process, ISO 50001 certification, provides official proof that you comply with the standard.

Do you want to find out more about certification, the bodies that conduct it and how to prepare your organisation? Visit our page or download the white paper.

Learn more about certification

Collaborate on ISO 50001

Do you want to play a role in the future of ISO 50001 and other energy management standards?

The Belgian NBN/I301 committee offers the opportunity to contribute to the development of these standards. The committee closely follows the work of the international ISO/TC 301 committee and acts as a central contact for anyone wishing to contribute and help develop and improve energy management standards.

Participate in standards development

Frequently asked questions about ISO 50001

Training courses on ISO management systems

View our training offerings for various ISO management standards. Learn the basics and implement the standard in your organisation.

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View the ISO 9001 training courses

Do you want to implement the ISO 9001 standard in your organisation, but aren't sure where to start?
NBN helps you on your way!

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View the ISO 14001 training courses

Do you want to implement the ISO 14001 standard in your organisation, but aren't sure where to start? NBN helps you on your way!

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View the ISO/IEC 27001 training courses

Do you want to implement the ISO/IEC 27001 standard in your organisation, but aren't sure where to start? NBN helps you on your way!

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View the ISO 45001 training courses

Want to implement the ISO 45001 standard in your organisation, but not sure where to start? NBN helps you on your way!

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View the ISO/IEC 17025 training courses

Do you want to implement the ISO/IEC 17025 standard in your organisation, but aren't sure where to start? NBN helps you on your way!

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