Accessibility statement

NBN is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with national legislation of July 19, 2018 on accessibility of websites and mobile applications of government agencies.

This accessibility statement was prepared on December 7, 2023 and applies to the website

Compliance status

This Web site does not meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 level AA because the criteria below have not yet been met.

Accessibility statement preparation

An external accessibility audit was conducted. The audit report can be found here

The audit was conducted by Belgian Web Accessibility Office.
DG Digital Transformation
WTC III, Simon Bolivarlaan 30
1000 Brussels

‍Non-accessible content continues to be tested for accessibility. As such, these criteria will continue to be completed and updated as testing progresses.

The content below is not yet accessible for the following reasons:

  • Images
    Not all images carry an ALT tag. However, they are almost never meaningful images. They are often icons to signify the text in a different way or purely illustrative images. Re-testing is done on a regular basis to supplement them.
  • Tables
    The tables are not all formatted according to the rules of linearization. With each page update that contains a table, this will be systematically revisited.
  • Structure
    Appropriate headings and paragraphs are not used quite consistently throughout the website: e.g., use of heading 2 and heading 3 interchangeably. As a result, some pages lack logical structure.
  • Link texts
    Meaningful texts are not always attached to these.
  • Contrast ratio
    Some text and button score below the minimum contrast ratio.
  • Dual IDs
    Some elements have duplicate IDs. This problem will be included in a future update.

Feedback and contact information

Have a question or comment about the accessibility of or about this accessibility statement? Contact us at or via our general info line 02 738 01 11. Our service will follow up on your question and see how they can solve the problem as soon as possible.

Have you contacted us but are not satisfied with the response? Send your complaint to

Alternatives and improvements

For non-accessible elements, an alternative is currently not always available.

The statement was prepared on Dec. 7, 2023, and was last revised on May 14, 2024.