ISO 56000 - Innovation management

ISO 56000: the international standard for innovation management

Ready to commit to innovation? Use ISO 56000

There’s one thing every organisation should bet on, and that’s innovation. Not only does it help you grow your business, innovation also makes you more efficient. Besides, new products, services or ways of working are essential to continuously improve as a company and get ahead of your competitors. Want to know how to get the most out of all those innovative ideas? Then get started with ISO 56000, the international standard for innovation management.

The benefits for your organisation

What advantages does innovation management offer? We list the top eight benefits for you below:

NBN EN ISO 9001:2015

Quality management - Requirements (ISO 9001:2015)
  • Better capturing of innovation

    Great ideas and new inventions are often the result of many small ideas and changes that are captured and nurtured in the most effective way. ISO 56000 makes sure you do that as efficiently as possible.

  • Increased competitiveness

    Sustainable development is essential today. It is a source of innovation, economic development and competitiveness. Working with ISO 56000 takes your competitiveness to the next level.

  • Smoother collaborations

    Working with ISO 56000 allows you to share your best practices in innovation management. The result? Better global collaborations and smoother communication.

  • Stronger reputation

    Thanks to ISO 56000, you have a vocabulary, basic concepts and fundamental principles for innovation management. This is how you can make your innovation management visible and credible to the outside world. The result? A stronger reputation and improved international standing.

  • At every level

    ISO 56000 promotes the development of a true culture of innovation in your Organisation. The standard gives you a systemic approach to integrate innovation in every layer of your organisation. This allows you to seize and create opportunities for the development of new solutions, systems, products and services.

  • Suited to your needs

    Public sector? Private? Large or small? Every organisation, regardless of sector, can apply this standard in a way that meets their needs. Moreover, ISO 56000 is applicable to different types of activities: products, services and business models, as well as organisational innovation.

  • In line with SDG 9

    Are you working with an innovation management system? If so, you are also contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 9 (SDG 9). This SDG seeks resilient infrastructure, inclusive and sustainable industrialization and increased innovation.

  • Easy integration

    ISO 56000 is easy to integrate into an existing management system. It is therefore the ideal solution to make your management system even more innovative.

'Practice shows that the greatest innovators approach innovation systematically and holistically. This may sound contradictory, but this is the only way to ensure that innovation becomes a fully-fledged part of your internal processes and that your innovation budget generates optimal returns.'
Dirk Simoens
Director of accredited certification body Belgian Quality Association (BQA)

Manage your innovation with ISO 56000

Get certified

Are you betting on innovation with your organisation? If so, you can have your innovation management system certified according to the ISO 56000 standard. Certification can be part of your marketing strategy. It’s a valuable way to differentiate yourself from uncertified competitors when pitching for new business.

Want to know more about certification? You can read all about it here.

Higher sales

You constantly respond to the needs of your customers and increase their satisfaction. That's how you put them first. The result: you ensure customer loyalty, attract new customers and increase your sales.

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Demonstrable quality

With the ISO 9001 quality management system, you show your customers and other stakeholders that you provide high-quality, reliable products or services.

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Lower costs

Thanks to the four-step cycle, you reduce the likelihood of errors. Your organisation also works more efficiently, reducing the time and resources you need to invest in it.

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Greater flexibility

You focus strongly on risks and opportunities. This allows you to respond optimally to changes in the market and your organisation. Thanks to this strong adaptability, you stay one step ahead of the competition.

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Getting started with ISO 56000

Want to manage innovation professionally in your organisation? On our standards platform you can purchase the ISO 56000 standard. This will immediately give you an overview of all the basic theoretical principles for good innovation management  

Get started with ISO 56000

'Great new ideas are often the result of several small ideas and changes that you implement and build upon as Organisation . And that's exactly what the ISO 56000 standard helps you do. Thanks to the best practices and guidelines, you learn to capture the right information and use it efficiently.'

Alice de Casanova
Chair of the ISO committee that developed the ISO 56000 standard

One step further?

Want to improve the quality of your innovation management even more? Then take a look at the other standards in the ISO 56000 series.

Find the standards you are looking for here

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