ISO 31000 - Risk management

Looking for the international standard for risk management? That's ISO 31000. Find out how this standard not only protects your busines but also boosts it.

Need to manage risks? Use ISO 31000

Financial crises, war, cybercrime … the challenges to your business today are greater than ever. That's why it's crucial to manage your risks. How do you do that? With ISO 31000, the international standard for risk management.

Are you part of your company's top management, or are you a risk analyst, line manager, project manager or auditor? Then this standard is an absolute must-have. Because ISO 31000 gives you guidelines to integrate risk-aware decision-making into your company at policy level, in your daily operations and even for projects.

The benefits for your organisation

What advantages does risk management offer? We list the top seven benefits for you below:

NBN EN ISO 9001:2015

Quality management - Requirements (ISO 9001:2015)
  • Focused action

    ISO 31000 makes you sharper. You gain access to international best practices around risk management. The result? You focus on your objectives and increase your chances of achieving them.

  • Lower costs

    Thanks to a thorough risk analysis, you increase your chances of making good decisions right away. Unnecessary long-term costs are a thing of the past.

  • Risk-aware culture

    With ISO 31000 you create a risk-aware culture at every level of your organisation. This means well-considered decisions, for example in the allocation of resources.

  • Strong reputation

    Do you apply ISO 31000? Then you show the outside world that you not only identify risks, but also analyse and manage them. That boosts your reputation.

  • Opportunity-oriented

    Did you know that risks are not necessarily negative, but can also have a positive impact? On achieving your objectives, for example. After all, with ISO 31000 you learn to spot opportunities like a pro.

  • Scalable

    Is your organisation growing ? Don't worry, you won't have to introduce a new risk assessment process. Even for a scaling organisation, ISO 31000 provides you with all the tools you need.

  • In line with other standards

    ISO 31000 fits seamlessly with other standards such as ISO 9001 for quality management and ISO/IEC 27001 for information management. So you can continue to professionalise smoothly.

Risk managers still too often operate on the sidelines of business operations. ISO 31000 helps them to make risk management an integral link. Operationally and strategically.

James Brown
Chairman of the ISO committee on risk management

Protect and boost your Organisation with ISO 31000

Get certified as a professional

ISO 31000 provides guidelines rather than imposes requirements, which means your organisation cannot get certified for ISO 31000. But you can get certified as a professional. The advantage? By adding a certificate to your name, you give your career a big boost. After all, this recognition proves that you are professionally trained to protect organisations from risk.

Want to know more about certification? You can read all about it here.

Higher sales

You constantly respond to the needs of your customers and increase their satisfaction. That's how you put them first. The result: you ensure customer loyalty, attract new customers and increase your sales.

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Demonstrable quality

With the ISO 9001 quality management system, you show your customers and other stakeholders that you provide high-quality, reliable products or services.

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Lower costs

Thanks to the four-step cycle, you reduce the likelihood of errors. Your organisation also works more efficiently, reducing the time and resources you need to invest in it.

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Greater flexibility

You focus strongly on risks and opportunities. This allows you to respond optimally to changes in the market and your organisation. Thanks to this strong adaptability, you stay one step ahead of the competition.

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Getting started with ISO 31000

Want to manage your risks professionally? On our standards platform you can purchase the ISO 31000 standard. This will immediately give you an overview of all the guidelines for good risk management.

The general approach allows you to effortlessly adapt these guidelines to your unique organisation and context, regardless of your sector or industry. What’s more, ISO 31000 is your expert guide for risk assessment throughout the entire life cycle of your organisation, at every level of decision-making.

One step further?

Looking for useful techniques to assess risk even better? The IEC 31010 standard is the perfect complement to ISO 31000. IEC 31010 details how to assess risks and weighs the pros and cons of different techniques. It’s the ideal choice for a practical, sustainable and easily understood assessment process.

Find the standards you are looking for here

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