Using standards

Does your organisation already use standards? No? We’ve gathered everything you need to know about standards on this page. Why are standards important? What is their added value for your organisation? And what concrete benefits do they offer? You’ll discover it all below.
Man in orange uniform with ear protectors and clipboard

What are standards?

Standards are the best way to do something. But why are they important? And how can they help your organisation?
Read all about standards

Why use standards?

What are the benefits of standards for your organisation? Professionals from a host of companies share their experiences of how using standards adds value for them.
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Standards and copyright

Standards are protected by copyright. What does that mean? Why do standards bodies use them? And what implications does this have for you?
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Legislation and standards

Why do governments include standards in their local or European legislation? And what benefits do standards offer in terms of regulation?
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Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know more about using standards? We list the most frequently asked questions and their answers on our FAQ page.
To the FAQs

Popular management systems

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Environmental management

ISO 14001 - Environmental management

Want to get your environmental management up to speed? You can do this with the international standard ISO 14001.
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Information Security

ISO/IEC 27001 - Information security

ISO/IEC 27001 is the best-known international standard for information security management systems (ISMS) and their requirements.
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ISO 9001 - Quality Management

Learn about the world's leading quality management standard and discover the benefits for your organisation. Improve customer satisfaction, increase efficiency and continue to gain a competitive advantage with ISO 9001.
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