ISO 55001 is an essential part of the ISO 55000 family. This international standard establishes criteria for establishing, implementing and improving an asset management system.
Do you work in the chemical, pharmaceutical, oil, gas, transport, construction or manufacturing industry or for the government? If so, you’re part of an "asset intensive" organisation and will undoubtedly benefit from a good management of your physical assets.
You invest huge sums of money in infrastructure, buildings, rolling stock, plant and machinery. ISO 55001 helps make the most of these investments. It helps you minimise risks, prevent downtime and maximise the value of your assets, leading to greater efficiency and sustainable growth.
To obtain ISO 55001 certification, have an independent, accredited body assess whether your asset management system meets the requirements of this international standard.
The ISO 55001 certification confirms that your organisation:
Do you want to find out more about certification, which institutions certify and how to prepare your organisation for certification? Learn more on our certification page or in our white paper on certification.
Would you like to contribute to the future of the ISO 55001 standard and other standards related to asset management?
The Belgian mirror commission NBN/I251 closely follows what is going on internationally. Would you like to contribute to this?
View our training offerings for various ISO management standards. Learn the basics and implement the standard in your organisation.
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NBN helps you on your way!
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