Register now for the Webinar: "Standardisation - The Basics"

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Have you heard about the importance of standards - for businesses and society, but don't know exactly what it's about? Our 40-minute live webinars "Standardisation - The Basics" will give you a concise overview of what standards development is.

Why take a Discovery webinar?

NBN is always looking for experts for standards committees. Would you like to share your expertise, but first want to learn more about standards development? Then follow one of the "Standardisation - The Basics" webinars that the NBN organizes every two months.

The benefits of participating in a webinar:

  • You will discover what norm development is, how it works and why it is important.
  • You ask your questions of experts by experience who are involved in standards development.
  • You judge for yourself whether you want to engage in standards development as a Belgian stakeholder.


What does such a session look like?

These live, online webinars are delivered in English by our Standards Project Manager. He has extensive experience in national, European and international standards development. After a presentation on standards development, you can ask your questions. And you will receive information to register as an expert in a standards committee.

Who is this game for?

The "Standardization - The Basics" webinars are open to all interested parties. Any Belgian-based organisation and any individual can become a member of a Belgian standards committee.

Register now for the Webinar: "Standardisation - The Basics"
Webinar: "Standardisation – The Basics"
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