As a member of the Belgian standards committee:
You influence sector standards
You expand your network
You stay on top of developments
You can share your expertise
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Activities of the standards committee
The Belgian standards committee NBN/I265: CO2 capture, transport and storage represents Belgium in the international standards development of the ISO/TC 265 Carbon Capture, Transportation and Storage (CCS) committee. The Belgian committee also contributes to the European standards committee CEN/TC 474. They deal with issues related to CO2 capture, transport, storage and use (CCUS).
See what standards are under development at ISO/TC 265 here.
See what standards are under development at CEN/TC 474 here.
Free event to launch standards committee CCUS
Join us on December 3 at the free kick-off event for the launch of the Belgian standards committee "Carbon dioxide Capture, transportation, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS)" and find out how you can participate in the development of international and European standards.