A new committee on hydrogen technologies is starting. The ideal time to know how standards frame the energy transition, and to connect with other experts in the field of hydrogen technologies. We asked Alexandre della Faille de Leverghem, Project Manager Standards at NBN, why it's best to participate.
Why is important to have a committee on hydrogen technologies?
First of all, hydrogen is a promising option for a sustainable future. In Belgium, there's a plan to use hydrogen more for transportation, industry and other sectors. So it's only a matter of time before the use of hydrogen becomes an important link in our economy. And not only in our country, but also on a global level. This, of course, creates opportunities for the many organisations that are already involved in hydrogen and the technology associated with it. But they're not always aware that ISO is developing new standards related to hydrogen use – so we want to help raise that awareness. In fact, we also want to translate the standards that are relevant to our national market into Belgian standards.
So things don't just happen at an international level?
No, not at all. In Belgium, for example, we have a committee around hydrogen technologies, hydrogen as a fuel and its transportation. But the applications go wider than that. It is therefore interesting for experts to map this broad application when looking at the market on a Belgian and international level. This kick-off offers the ideal opportunity to stay abreast of the upcoming changes, to provide your own input, to expand your network,... It is the ideal moment to sit at the table to determine the direction once the committee starts its work, after the event.
Want to learn more about hydrogen technologies? Or would you like to contribute to these new standards? Contact standardsdevelopment@nbn.be
Why the rise in the use of hydrogen?
Hydrogen can be easily converted into energy, or used as a raw material in various industries. It is non-toxic, non-corrosive and non-polluting, allowing it to be safely transported in a liquid or gaseous state. The big advantage is that it can be generated sustainably, and is about three times more energy efficient than fossil fuels. That would have a huge impact on greenhouse gas emissions.
Is the committee still looking for experts?
Yes, we're still looking for experts from all possible fields. Although there are some ISO projects related to hydrogen technologies that are already underway – ranging from reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the production process and rolling out the energy source on a global level, to standards in relation to fuelling stations and related aspects – we want to develop this on a national level as well.
What's on the schedule?
We want to introduce experts to standards and standards development in an accessible way, give an overview of the developments within ISO and NBN and how you yourself can contribute to that development. It is important to know that the presence of smaller organizations is also appreciated, there will also be specific projects on safety regulations, hydrogen connections and quality specifications and generators on water electrolysis.
There are also two international committees dealing with hydrogen - they are managed by the sectoral operators. There too, discussions are underway to bring that expertise together at one big hydrogen event as well; we are aiming for February 2025. So the ideal time to be the first expert to contribute to this standard, and the energy transition as a whole.
Do you have any questions of your own?
Contact Alexandre della Faille (Project Manager Standards NBN) at +32 471 55 56 47 or send an email to standardsdevelopment@nbn.be.