
Standards help and support governments in their laws and regulations.

The FPS Economy summarized all guidelines in a handy guide "Referring to Standards in Technical Regulations.
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Make standards work for you in technical regulation

As a policy maker, you often spend a long time determining technical requirements for new or updated regulations. This can be done more efficiently! Use standards to integrate specific technical requirements into regulatory texts. This will save you time and increase support for your legislation.

What are standards?

Standards are best practices. They describe the best way to do something. Like making a product, providing a service or managing a process. Think about agreements around fire safety or Eurocodes, European standards for structural design and building development....

Want to know more about standards?

What benefits do standards offer governments?

Using standards makes the work of policy staff much easier. Instead of working out technical regulations themselves, you use existing regulations: standards. This offers many advantages:

How do you properly refer to standards in regulations?

There are several ways to refer to a standard in regulations. First, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you conduct an analysis to ensure the standard is appropriate and meets regulatory needs?
  • Is application of the standard mandatory or does it remain voluntary? Do you refer to the standard as the only solution or, in addition, do you allow alternative methods?
  • Are you referring to the standard as a whole or to selected parts of it?
  • How do you track standards development to evaluate whether the revised standard still meets policy objectives? And to update regulations if necessary?
  • How do you follow up on standards development to be aware of the existence of additional standards in the same domain and refer to them if necessary?

e-Learning 'referring to standards in technical regulations'

NBN offers an e-learning where you can learn more about how and why you as a government refer to standards in legislation. This e-learning offers clear theory combined with practical exercises to test your knowledge.

Start the e-learning

Getting started on standards for governments

To help you, the FPS Economy has summarized all the guidelines for incorporating standards into technical regulations in a handy guide: 'Referring to standards in technical regulations. Discover the benefits!'

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Participate in standards development yourself

Are you an expert in a particular area of standardisation? And would you like to contribute to the development of new standards? Then register now as an expert on a standards committee.
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