Standards are developed in standards committees or technical committees (TCs). Each of these has its own specialty.
For example, there are TCs for environment, energy, biodiversity, ...
Sectoral operators (SOs) with the same expertise provide administrative and technical follow-up to a part of those standards committees.
The SOs are recognised by the Board of Directors of NBN. They act in the name of NBN and on its behalf. They thus form the link between the standards committee experts and NBN. And they involve all interested parties in standards development.
This means they’re actually NBN’s right hand in technical committees.
Sector operators are specialists within their sector. They're also close to the business world. Thanks to their network of experts, they disseminate all important information on standards development within their domain. This makes them essential partners for NBN.
Curious about our sector operators? We created a handy list of their contact information.
... you as an expert can help develop new standards yourself by serving on a committee? At NBN we supervise standards committees, but there are also committees from other sector operators.
Would you like to help develop standards yourself? But would you rather learn more about it first? Then follow our Webinar "Standardization - The Basics". There we will give you more insight of what standards development is.
I am signing up for "Standardization - The Basics"