Get your organisation ready for ISO certification in 9 steps

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ISO certification

With an ISO certificate, you have proof that your organisation meets all the requirements of the standard. Certification bodies issue the certificate after a 2-3 day audit.

ISO certification: how to get started?

NBN put together a 9-step plan that gives you guidance throughout the process. Do you follow it? Then you are well on your way to obtaining your ISO certificate!

The nine-step plan

  1. Which management standard(s) do you want to be certified for?
    What do you want to achieve? What are the specific needs of your organisation? The answers to those questions will determine your choice of management standard(s).

  2. Ensure broad support.
    ISO certification is a management decision that affects the entire organisation. Make sure to convince your management and colleagues in advance of the added value the standard(s) will bring.

  3. Follow a training course.
    You're not the first to seek ISO certification, and you won't be the last. Discover the knowledge and insights of experts during an e-learning course or a Master Track so you don't have to start from zero.

  4. Conduct a baseline or Gap analysis.
    Together with colleagues or an external consultant, identify which areas in your organisation need the most attention. 

  5. Establish concrete objectives.
    Use the results of the Gap analysis to establish objectives for your organisation and for management. Create an clean plan, designate project teams and assign tasks.

  6. Communicate clearly to all stakeholders.
    Involve all stakeholders and make sure everyone is on the same page. Keep them informed of progress.

  7. Work purposefully toward implementing the standard.
    Keep a close eye on the status of the various actions and encourage others to do the same. 

  8. Arrange the audit with the certification body.
    Contact the certification body to arrange the audit. Discuss any shortcomings with your auditor.

  9. Certificate obtained
    Congratulations! Now, above all, keep working on your management system.

The benefits of ISO certification

Certification, above all, expands your opportunities for example, if a customer only purchases products or services from certified suppliers, or if you want to export your products.  You can also use the ISO logo in your communications, which reinforces your reliability and image.

Choosing a certification body

The Belgian accreditation body, BELAC lists all accredited certification bodies on its website. Before choosing a certification body, compare them. For example, ask if they have already certified organisations in your sector, and check if they adhere to CASCO standards. These standards include ISO's policies and guidelines for certification bodies.

Want to know more about certification?

Then request NBN's e-book now: Certification for ISO management standards: roadmap to success.

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