The NBN website gets a total makeover

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We have good news for you! As you can see, our website has been completely updated! We’ve been working hard behind the scenes, and the end result is looking good.

Our standards platform has also been given a makeover. It’s now more user-friendly than ever. All this to deliver an even better service to our valued customers.  

A new look and feel

The website, with its integrated e-shop, has had a thorough overhaul, both in terms of content and in how it looks. It’s fresher and clearer, and we’ve given user-friendliness a major boost.

Every aspect has been improved, with more content and services than in the past.  

All your services on a single platform

Along with the website, the standards platform has also been revamped. This is where you’ll find the e-shop as well as all the subscription services.  

Rest assured that we’ll help you find your way around the new platform. You’ll hear more from us about this in due course, and we’ll always keep you up-to-date! Do you have any questions? Contact us.

We’re also enhancing our offer, and you’ll find our comprehensive NBN catalogue with even more standards on the revamped NBN platform.

Subscription services are expanding too! In addition to the well-known NBN collections, you can now start an NBN Electro collection. You decide the size of the collection and how you want to consult the standards.

Fun news:

On our new platform, you can click favourites to receive notifications when something changes on a standard that is important to you. Handy!

Part of our mission

‍NBN is constantly striving to fulfil its mission, and this website revamp is part of that. In particular, we want to:

  • continuously bring added value to our customers and partners;
  • support our stakeholders in their pursuit of excellence;
  • be the focal point for all standardisation activities.

Discover our updated offer

Have fun exploring our new website!

Discover our updated offer

Have you spotted something that's not right on our new site? Let us know.


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