VUB market study: standards have positive impact on our economy

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Anyone wanting to demonstrate the exact, tangible added value of standards for both the Belgian economy and individual organizations can now turn to facts and figures. The Free University of Brussels (VUB) carried out an independent market study commissioned by NBN in 2020. The main questions: "What is the impact of standards on the Belgian economy?" and "What are the benefits of standards for companies and other organizations?".

The market study is a first for our country. Researchers at the VUB developed an econometric model and linked it to both an extensive online survey and in-depth interviews with companies from different sectors. For the first time, this allows us to quantify the positive impact of standards on the Belgian economy.

Starting point for constructive debate at all levels

The empirically based insights are not an end in themselves. On the contrary, the NBN thus wants to open a debate with business leaders, sector federations and policy makers. On the one hand about the added value of participating in standards development, on the other hand about the use of standards and their benefits. Thanks to the resounding figures from the market study, the way was already paved for speaking the same language from now on.

Results speak volumes

To give a hint, we can already reveal this: standards contribute 19% to the growth of Belgium's GDP - a remarkable result.

In addition, you will discover in the position paper, among other things:

  • What is the relationship between standards and labor productivity.
  • Why participating in standards development is a good idea.
  • What are the 5 biggest advantages to using standards.
  • How SMEs and large companies look at standards use and development.

Did you know that standards have a positive impact on our economy?

Take advantage of our remarkable market study with figures and insights by the VUB. Request your copy now: The impact of standards on the Belgian economy.

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