More and more organisations are paying closer attention to occupational health and safety. Many choose ISO 45001 as their management standard as a way to reduce the risks to, and look after the well-being of their employees. ISO is now announcing an extension of that standard, with two new areas of focus.
A first extension of the general management standard is the development of ISO 45008, Guidelines for remote working. With this focus, the international committee ISO/TC 283 is examining the technical content of the standard.
This development aims to provide guidelines for organisations and employees where remote work has become part of the corporate culture. This will also provide a way for remote workers' health and safety to be monitored so they maintain a healthy work-life balance. The standard is intended primarily for employees who work remotely on a structural and recurring basis.
Guidelines are also being developed as part of ISO 45010, Menstruation, menstrual health and menopause in the workplace - Guidance. Experts who would like to follow the project, or contribute to it, are more than welcome to join the Belgian committee.
The purpose of this standard is to provide guidance on developing policies and practical tools that support employees' menstruation, menstrual health and (peri-)menopausal experiences in the workplace. An inclusive approach is critical here. Aspects such as gender identity, ethnicity, religion, disability, mental health, neurodivergence, socioeconomic status, and diverse professional backgrounds are central to the development of this standard.
This standard will be particularly useful for employees who are responsible for managing others, workload, well-being and the work environment.
Experts who are interested can apply to the Belgian committee NBN/I283. This committee closely follows and contributes to the development of international standards on 'health and safety in the workplace'. Anyone in Belgium can join. The next meeting of NBN/I283 is scheduled for September.