Why our customers participate in standards development

Last updated:
Nele Cattoor

Does your Organisation use standards? If so, you have every interest in moving into standards development as well.

Sounds interesting, right? Get convinced by 6 of our customers who have gone before you and share their expertise in standards committees.

We let Nele from Beaulieu, Hervé from Febelcem, Rony from Niko, Vera from Sioen, Bernard from Gaasch Packaging and Gunter from The Water Group have their say.

Why participate in standards development?

Vera: "We want to be innovative with Sioen. To be a trendsetter. By actively participating in standards development, we know immediately how a standard will evolve. This allows us to prepare, because we already know what is coming our way even before the standard is published."

Bernard: "I am happy to have the opportunity to participate in standards development, even though we are a small to medium-sized Organisation. Because we are at the source and experience evolutions from the front row."

Rony: "For me, the benefits of participating in the standardization process are knowledge building and expanding your network. You only really get to know a standard when you actively participate in standards development."

Nele: "When you participate in a standard, you help write the rules. Moreover, you know better what the future holds and where the standard is going. So you can already anticipate with your Organisation."

Gunter: "I sit on 2 mirror committees. It is important to also do your bit as a user to help shape standards - and all the specifications around them. So that not only producers and manufacturers, but also users can add value."

Hervé: "As the Federation of the Belgian Cement Industry, it is essential to be really active in standards development. Because we always have new requirements and want to make new changes. This way we can let the specificities of our industry be heard."

How do you experience your participation in standards development?

Hervé: "I summarize standardization in 3 words. The first is 'patience,' because standards development is a very long and energy-intensive process. The second key word is 'technical competence.' It is downright impressive how much expertise there is on such technical committees. The third word in my opinion is "trust. On the one hand, standards ensure dialogue between sectors. On the other hand, they ensure knowledge sharing between experts. This creates recognition and trust between all partners."

Gunter: "By participating in mirror committees yourself, you learn a lot from other people. You build a network of experts. And the expertise you acquire yourself can be used on the shop floor. It is an added value that you can be on the same page with the manufacturers."

The 8 domains of standards development

NBN focuses primarily on 8 domains in its standards committees:

1. quality management

2. occupational health and safety

3. energy management

4. biodiversity

5. environmental management

6. circular economy

7. hydrogen technologies

8. management system for SDGs

Interested in standards development?

Do you have a lot of experience in a particular field? And you'd like to share your knowledge? Then get involved in standards development!

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Would you like to first learn a little more about the do's-and-don'ts of standards development? Then sign up for our webinar, "Standardization - The Basics."

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