Would you like to help shape ISO 31000?


ISO 31000 was first published in 2009 and underwent a first revision in 2018. Now, the international technical committee is calling for a second revision of the standard in the near future.

What is ISO 31000 about?

ISO 31000 is a set of guidelines for risk management. These guidelines can be applied in any kind of organisation, regardless of size or sector, and at any level of the organisation. The standard consists of specific vocabulary, principles, a framework, and a process. The principles are generally applicable management principles, the framework is a process to integrate, implement and continuously improve risk management in your organisation, and the process is how risk management is put into practice to enhance decision-making and ensure continuous improvement.

Where is ISO 31000 applicable?

The standard can be used broadly – just about every new ISO management standard refers to ISO 31000 for the risk management section. The overarching goal of ISO 31000 is to create and protect value by better managing and paying sufficient attention to risks so that a risk-aware organisational culture can be created.

How is ISO 31000 applied concretely?

Risk is about the future, and the goal of risk management is to create and protect value. So it's about making the best possible decisions for the future. What risks should be taken and how can they best be managed so that value creation is assured? What risks are then accepted and how can you best protect the created value? The ISO 31000 process helps in determining criteria and making decisions related to those criteria.

What are the benefits of ISO 31000?

ISO 31000 contributes to a long list of benefits, from lower costs and scalability to focusing on opportunities and creating a risk-aware culture. You can read all about the benefits on this page.

Who can contribute to ISO 31000?

In short: everyone who is active on Belgian territory. Whether you're enthusiastic about taking your first steps in risk management, or have a lot of expertise to share, you are more than welcome. Through the Belgian standards committee NBN/I262 you can stay up to date or contribute to the future of risk management.

Would you like to contribute to ISO 31000 through the NBN/I262 technical committee? Register now as an expert.

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