Here's how to get your energy consumption and bills under control with standards

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Energy prices continue to be a hot topic. Fortunately, a lot of standards exist to help you get your organisation’s energy consumption and energy bills down. For example, a new standard to achieve ‘net zero energy’ was recently published.  

Towards ‘net zero energy’ in companies  

We all want to use less energy and thus pollute less. The end goal, of course, is to achieve zero emissions. To meet this target, there is the new standard ISO/PASS 50010:2023, , Energy management and energy savings — Guidance for net zero energy in operations using an ISO 50001 energy management system..

This standard guides organisations that already have an energy management system in place towards achieving net zero energy. It also supports organisations in reaching net zero carbon emissions and other sustainability goals.

What is net zero energy?

Net zero energy is a state in which an amount of energy consumed is offset by the same amount of clean, renewable energy generated. In other words, the goal is to consume no more energy than you can generate in a renewable way.

Already implemented an energy management system and want to go for net zero energy? Then choose ISO/PAS 50010:2023.

ISO/PASS 50010:2023

Want to start with energy management, or fine-tune energy management within your organisation, but don't know where to start? We’ve already written several articles about energy management, and we introduce them below:

Get your energy consumption down with ISO 50001

The standard for more efficient and effective energy use is ISO 50001. Implementing an energy management system in your organisation helps you better manage your organisation’s energy consumption.  

You'll soon find out: those who apply ISO 50001 get a lot of benefits on top.

An energy management system:

  • lowers your organisation’s costs;
  • reduces your environmental impact;
  • improves your reputation;
  • increases your competitiveness.

Want to get started with ISO 50001? Read all about it.

Step by step to better energy management

Your organisation, too, probably wants to be more energy efficient. Is your organisation small? Then you may not have the resources to set up such an energy management system in one go. Not to worry, thanks to ISO 50005 it can be done in several steps.

Your organisation, too, probably wants to be more energy efficient. Is your organisation small? Then you may not have the resources to set up such an energy management system in one go. Not to worry, thanks to ISO 50005 it can be done in several steps.

Want to know more about ISO 50005? Read all about it.

Perfect your energy management system

Is your energy management system firmly in place? Then ISO 50004 will help you perfect it. Because the less you consume, the better for your wallet and for the planet!  

Want to improve your energy management system? Read all about it.

ISO 50001 and related standards

Would you like to learn all about ISO 50001 and other energy standards?

Get to know the ISO 50001 family

Want to purchase these standards? 

Buy standards

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