Working towards better energy management, step by step

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Implementing an energy management system is the ideal way to make your organisation more energy efficient. And there are many advantages: your energy efficiency improves continuously, you save a lot of money, and your greenhouse gas emissions are reduced.

Yet smaller companies often lack the resources to set up such an energy management system all at once. The solution? ISO 50005, Energy management systems – Guidelines for a phased implementation..

What is ISO 50005?

ISO 50005 provides guidelines for implementing an energy management system step- by step. It’s ideal for SMEs that may not have enough resources to set up such a system all at once. Large companies also benefit from an energy management system.

ISO 50005 consists of four levels. Level 1 provides the foundation for those with little energy management experience. It then gradually builds up to the level of ISO 50001, the standard for energy management systems.

Saving energy step by step: what are the benefits

It’s perfectly possible to set up an energy management system at a pace that suits your business. Each action you take brings positive changes in itself.  

A gradual approach makes it easier for companies to assign the appropriate resources and priority levels based on their needs and capabilities. ISO 50005 helps small businesses get the most from each phase, meaning they can benefit from the standard from the very first step.

An energy management system is designed to improve a company's energy performance. But because it’s a huge task, it can seem daunting or unaffordable, especially for small businesses.  

Energy management: a breath of fresh air for our planet

Our energy consumption continues to rise, while global energy production accounts for 60 percent of greenhouse gas emissions.
Energy management is therefore essential for the environment. It reduces greenhouse gas emissions and it ensures a sustainable future for our planet.

By taking a phased approach, organisations can start small and build up gradually. That way, they can generate quick wins to motivate staff or prioritise activities so they build on, or complement each other most effectively.

Getting started with ISO 50005?

Does your organisation want to gradually implement an energy management system? ISO 50005 is a step in the right direction.

ISO 50005

All energy management standards at a glance

Looking for standards to help you implement an energy management system? Check out our overview.

Standards for energy management

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