Those who want to survive must reinvent themselves again and again. Thus, innovation is essential for any business. Companies that constantly improve themselves and continue to grow, which puts them one step ahead of the competition.
Standards for innovation management help you innovate successfully and make the most of all your inspiring, innovative ideas.
ISO 56000: innovation management - fundamentals and vocabulary is the international standard for innovation management. This standard helps with:
The ISO 56000 family helps organisations reinvent themselves, so they can survive in this changing and uncertain world.
What standards still belong to this family?
Innovation is very important to stay several steps ahead of your competitors. Companies that actively participate in standards development increase their credibility with customers and give them a head start in the market. Vera De Glas of protective clothing manufacturer Sioen has understood this very well.
Vera: "Sioen's slogan is 'protection through innovation.' By participating in standards development, you get a better understanding of the latest market trends. Standards have to be revised every five years. The revision always takes into account the latest technological evolutions. Therefore, anyone who sits on a standards committee is always completely on board."
Learn more about the innovation management standard.
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