The 6 benefits of ISO certification

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ISO certification

After implementing a standard, many organisations consciously opt for certification. Why? ISO certification provides you with six concrete benefits. Here we go over each of those benefits:

1. Improve your chances of winning tenders and licences

Governments and large organisations often include ISO certification in their requirements for tenders or licences. If you have ISO certification, then you're often one step ahead of the competition. The most commonly requested certificates are ISO 9001 quality management systems, ISO 14001 environmental management systems and ISO/IEC 27001 information security.

2. Work smarter and more efficiently

With a management system, you optimise structures, processes and responsibilities. It can help you prevent waste or standardise procedures. And by working smarter and more efficiently, you achieve your business goals faster.

3. Enhance your reputation

A good image has to be earned. And for that, you need to gain the trust of your stakeholders. An internationally recognised ISO management standard brings a lot of reassurance. Are you certified? Then with ISO 45001, you can prove your commitment to health and safety in the workplace; with ISO 14001, you show that you take environmental management seriously; ISO/IEC 27001, you demonstrate that data protection is a priority. What’s more, by being ISO certified, you’re part of a select group of organisations, which gives you a competitive advantage on the international stage.

4. Make continiuous improvements

After you implement the standard and before you recieve your ISO certificate, the external auditor will visit you. The auditor points out improvements that can still be made to your policies, objectives, processes, risk management, etc. You'll also learn how other organisations deal with these and which solutions they apply. The regular evaluations that follow keep focussed: you update your objectives and identify new opportunities and risks more quickly.

5. All noses in the same direction

Certification changes your organisation at all levels. The structure and processes ensure that everyone, from employees to management, thinks and acts in the same direction. Management standards also require you to keep thinking about your leadership style or how to increase employee engagement, which has a positive impact on your employee retention.

6. Increased customer satisfaction

Customers have expectations of your organisation, services or products. With a certified management system, you respond to those expectations in the best way possible. ISO 9001 helps you increase the quality of your processes, which leads to fewer complaints and therefore greater customer satisfaction. Other examples are ISO 14001 for the efficient use of raw materials and resources, and ISO 50001 for the design, implementation, maintenance and improvement of your energy management system. These are important parameters for today's consumers and trading partners.

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