Management standards on the rise

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The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) announced the results of its annual global survey of management standards certification. Twelve international management standards went under the microscope.

ISO 9001 takes the crown

In Belgium, the ISO 9001 standard for quality management remains the most certified standard. No fewer than 2,887 Belgian companies currently have ISO 9001 certification. They have all committed themselves to quality management within their organisation and to making customer satisfaction a top priority.

Increasing focus on environmental management

Just over 1,000 Belgian organisations have ISO 14001 environmental management certification. The 5% increase compared to last year shows the growing willingness of our organisations to assume their environmental responsibilities and contribute to sustainable development. In fact, organisations that apply the ISO 14001 standard contribute to 12 of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs.

Doubling up for ISO 45001

The biggest increase in the number of certifications is for the ISO 45001 standard for health and safety at work. Thanks to an increase of 108% compared to last year, 308 Belgian companies are now committed to offering safe and healthy workplaces and to preventing work-related accidents and illnesses.

Getting started with the most popular management standards

You can find these popular management standards in the NBN e-shop:

NBN e-shop

Take an e-learning or Master Track course

Want to know more about implementing these popular standards? You can take an e-learning or Master Track course:

  • e-learning: to familiarise yourself with the standard
  • Master Track: to deepen your knowledge

Learn more about these courses

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