Belgian standard NBN E 23-402 internationally recognised

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Belgian standards are an important springboard towards international recognition. For example, the calculation method of the Belgian standard NBN E 23-402 was recently incorporated into the German software MDESIGN. Without a standard, this would have been almost impossible.

NBN E 23-402

The Belgian standardNBN E 23-402:2019, Gears -tooth flank fracture load capacity was co-developed by Dirk Leimann of ZF, a global supplier of drive technology.: Leimann explains, ‘We found that the tooth flank fracture load capacity is sometimes speed- dependent. That means that the teeth of gears get damaged at high speeds. Thanks to my calculation method, you can assess whether flank fracture could occur and take appropriate measures to prevent the damage.’

German organisation records calculation

The German software company MDESIGN has now incorporated this method of calculation into its gear design programme. This would never have been possible without the standard. For Leimann, this is international recognition of his methodology.

Standard opens international doors

Dirk De Moor of Agoria, the Belgian federation for technology companies, responds elated, ‘Thanks to the standard, it’s easier to communicate internationally about calculating flank fractures, especially with the English version. So now, international customers can also be convinced of the value of this new calculation method. The standard communicates the new insights in an unambiguous and accessible way’.

A process will soon be launched to integrate these insights into the calculation methods of the ISO/TC 60, Gears standard. A Belgian standard can therefore open doors and is a relatively simple entry point to international recognition with great impact.‍

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