The benefits of our standards platform through the eyes of our customers

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Nele Cattoor

For companies working with standards, NBN's standards platform is a breath of fresh air. In just a few clicks, you can find all standards, in the latest version, and in several languages.

Here, some of our customers share their positive experiences with the NBN standards platform.

Digital, accessible and user-friendly

Nele Cattoor, Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Manager at Beaulieu International Group, is extremely happy with how simple the standards platform is to use: "It’s very easy to store all standards on one digital platform that all colleagues have access to. That way we don't have to weigh down our own server with all those standards. It’s also very easy to purchase new standards. For us, it really is user-friendly."


Vera De Glas, R&D Engineer at Sioen, talks about the advantages of an NBN subscription: "We have our own subscription, so we can use a personalised platform that has all the relevant standards we need, in all languages. We get new standards almost within the minute. That’s crucial for us, for example when submitting a tender. The clock is ticking and we need to know the content of the standard very quickly so we can take concrete actions.”

One platform

Alain explains why he enjoys working with the platform so much: "Having all standards on one platform is an incredible asset. Plus, any employee can access the platform at any time and from any location. It's easy to search our own standards collections and consult the standards we need. I really enjoy working with the NBN and its user-friendly platform. It's light years away from how some foreign standards bodies operate. There, you sometimes still get standards on paper, instead of in pdf. A completely outdated set-up. NBN hasn't missed the digital train, which is great."

In accordance with copyright law

The NBN offers several formulas that let you use standards in a 'copyright-compliant' way. By using the NBN platform, you safeguard the integrity of your organisation because all employees have access to the same trusted source.

Tailored to your organisation

Are you buying one or more standards? Is there a single user or are there several? Do you only need to read the standard or do you also want to be able to print it? The NBN platform offers different formulas to meet your organisation's specific needs.

- Individual standards, i.e. one standard for one user, can be purchased starting from €50 per standard. 

- The NBN Read subscription gives multiple users access to the latest standards in all available languages. A user can open and read the standards in your collection.

- The NBN Lease subscription gives multiple users access to the latest standards in all available languages. A user can download and print the standards in your collection.

- Not finding the formula that's right for you? With NBN Buy & Share we'll create a subscription that's tailored to your organisation.

Get to know our different formulas

Interested in purchasing standards? It's easier than you think.

Looking for individual standards? Browse our comprehensive standards catalogue.

Standards catalogue

Interested in our subscription packages? Contact us for a customised solution.

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