Good agreements between buyers and sellers in e-commerce

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ISO 10008: Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidance for business-to-consumer electronic commerce transactions has been updated. The standard guides electronic business-to-consumer commercial transactions.

What is ISO 10008?

ISO 10008 guides you in implementing and maintaining an effective and efficient B2C ECT (business-to-consumer electronic commerce transaction) system within your organisation.

Or more simply, a system that helps your organisation sell your products or services online to consumers in an honest, transparent and secure way.

The focus here is on companies that offer and supply products and services directly to consumers, with the aim of improving consumer confidence in B2C ECTs as well as increasing customer satisfaction.

What are the benefits of ISO 10008?

E-commerce makes things easy. Consumers can search and choose from a wide range of products and services, even across national borders. However, there is no personal contact and sometimes transactions lack the consumer protection you’re used to.

A B2C ECT system can be useful because:‍‍

  • it gives consumers more reason to trust e-commerce;
  • it increases organisations’ ability to satisfy consumers;
  • it reduces complaints and disputes.

What has changed in the new version?

This second edition has undergone some technical revisions and replaces its 2013 predecessor. The biggest change is that the standard is now:

  • fully aligned with ISO 9000:2015, Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary
  • fully aligned with ISO 9001:2015, Quality management systems — Requirements
  • better adapted to ISO 10001, Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for codes of conduct for organisations
  • better adapted to ISO 10002, Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for complaints handling in organisations
  • better aligned with ISO 10003, Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for dispute resolution external to organisations
  • better adapted to ISO 10004, Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for monitoring and measuring

Want to buy the new standard?

The updated standard for B2C electronic commerce transactions is available in our e-shop.


Want to know more about the quality management standard?

ISO 10008 helps you increase customer satisfaction within your ISO 9001 quality management system.

Read more about ISO 9001

All quality management standards at a glance

Want to know which standards guarantee the continuous quality of your services or products?

Standards for quality management

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