ISO 9001 revision: 9 big questions & 10 clear answers

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ISO 9001 has long been the standard that helps organisations optimise the quality of their products and services, and keep or make them competitive. The next revision of the standard is now under way. So what do you need to know? Read on to find out.

What exactly is changing?

The overall goal of the revision is to adapt the current standard to the new state of the market. In particular, there's a focus on adjusting the guidelines for supply chain management, change management, sustainability, product quality, and delivery reliability, among other topics. Aspects such as 'risks and opportunities' and 'organisational knowledge' are also being clarified, meaning that the next version will be easier to use and apply.

In addition, the working group is using an effort-benefit analysis model to help estimate the impact of the revision versus the benefits for an organisation.

When does ISO 9001 change?

The new version will not be ready any time soon. The exact timing is not yet fixed, but the actual revision is expected to start in autumn 2023. Taking into account the time needed for the review of the current version, and the development and approval of the revised version, it's likely the next version of ISO 9001 will be released in 2026.

Why is ISO 9001 being revised?

ISO 9001 is a crucial standard. The last revision (i.e. the current ISO 9001:2015) is already eight years old, so it's a good time to re-evaluate the quality standard against our evolving world, knowledge and insights. For example, taking into account changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, and also new technologies.

ISO 9001 is an important part of our production and processes. Will we have to start all over again?

Certainly not from scratch. As mentioned above, the upcoming revision is more about adjusting the guidelines for supply chain management, change management, sustainability, product quality, and delivery reliability, among other topics. There will also be clarifications to aspects like 'risks and opportunities' and 'organisational knowledge'. In principle, the next version will be simpler and clearer.

I want to start using ISO 9001 in my organisation. Is it best to wait for the revised version or not?

There's no need to wait. If you and/or your organisation want to use ISO 9001 to optimise the quality of your products and processes, you can get started right now with NBN EN ISO 9001:2015. You can find this standard in just a few clicks in our webshop, in all available languages. In any case, no drastic changes are expected and the revised version is only likely to be released in 2026.

Worth knowing: the NBN is happy to help you learn about and integrate ISO 9001. Take a look at our training offer. Or hear first-hand how the management standard helps Matrix Liften think ahead.

How will I know that the revised standard has been released? And where do I find it?

The NBN is your go-to publisher of international, European and Belgian standards in Belgium. So you'll be able to find the revised version of ISO 9001 in our webshop as soon as it's published. It will be available in English, Dutch, French and German.

Do you already have a subscription with NBN? If you do, and if ISO 9001 (NBN EN ISO 9001:2015) is already part of your collection on the NBN platform and you've ticked it as a 'favourite', you'll be notified within the platform itself and/or via email as soon as the revised standard is available. Tip: check in advance that your account is set to receive notifications. That way, you can be sure you'll know about the new version right away.

You don't have an NBN subscription yet? Then it might be time to consider subscribing. Discover all the benefits and options here.

I have a lot of experience in quality management. Can I (and my organisation) contribute to the revision of ISO 9001?

Yes, please do! NBN facilitates the Belgian standardisation committee NBN/I176 'Quality management and quality assurance' which in turn contributes to the international committee. Quality management specialists are welcome to join and help shape the revised standard from Belgium. As an expert within the standards committee, you not only make a relevant contribution to the future standard, you (and your organisation) also have the opportunity to leave your mark on it.

What are the next steps?

Right now, the international working group of experts who will contribute their expertise to the international review of ISO 9001 is being assembled – including in Belgium. The next step is to define the draft specification, which establishes the purpose of the revision. This takes into account:

  • Input to include, such as the new Harmonized Structure (HS), reports from previous working groups, and interpretations related to the current version, ISO 9001:2015.
  • The identification of areas of concern, e.g. clarification of concepts, requirements and supply chain management.
  • The integration of an effort-benefit analysis model to determine the impact of the future standard on organisations and the benefits it brings in return.
  • Guidelines for the development process.

What role does the NBN play in this revision?

The NBN's role in the revision process is two-fold. On the one hand, we keep the Belgian standards community – including you – informed of developments through all our channels. We also offer you guidance and act as a point of contact.

On the other hand, we represent Belgium in the international committee. We do this by bringing together experts at the Belgian level in a local standardisation committee, NBN/I176 'Quality management and quality assurance'. If you're a specialist in quality management, you too can be part of this committee. By doing so, you and your organisation can help shape the next version of ISO 9001, the standard for quality management worldwide – a unique opportunity.

Help put your stamp on ISO 9001

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