New standard for data protection and privacy

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Our digital and offline worlds are increasingly intertwined. Privacy and protection of our personal data have therefore become essential. These basic values need to be incorporated early on in the development of products and services. This is why the new standard NBN EN 17529:2022: Data protection and privacy was developed.

What is included in the NBN EN 17529:2022 standard?

The standard contains requirements that manufacturers and service providers must meet to ensure data protection and privacy as early as possible in their design processes, and before – or independently of – a specific application integration. This ensures that the products and services developed are as privacy-friendly as possible.

Why was the standard developed?

The NBN EN 17529 standard was developed in response to a request from the European Commission. It is a perfect example of how European standards are being developed alongside internationally adopted practices to address European challenges.

Why is this standard of interest?

In May 2016, the General Data Protection Regulation  (GDPR) came into effect. The GDPR is a European regulation that standardises the rules that private companies and public authorities throughout the European Union must follow in relation to the processing of personal data. The new NBN EN 17529:2022 standard helps you do exactly that.

Getting started with NBN EN 17529:2022?

You can buy the new standard from the NBN's e-shop.

NBN shop

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