Sustainability specialists sought for new standards committee on SDGs

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Sustainable Development Goals management system new standards committee

Everybody wants to become more sustainable. Organisations, too, are putting their best foot forward to best address today's sustainability challenges. Though it's often easier said than done.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs, developed by the United Nations, are a big step in the right direction. To help organisations achieve the SDGs, ISO will soon launch a new management system.

NBN is putting its shoulders to the wheel and establishing a new standards committee. It will meet for the first time on October 9. Do you have expertise in environment, climate or just sustainability in general? Then seize this unique opportunity, and come to our public kick-off. It's free!

What are the SDGs?

The 17 SDGs replace the Millennium Development Goals. They were created by the United Nations to better balance the environmental, social and economic needs of the world.‍

The SDGs are divided into five domains: people, planet, prosperity, peace, and cooperation. They aim to ensure a more socially, economically and environmentally balanced world by 2030.

The plan is recognised worldwide as a crucial step towards the future sustainability of our planet.

Why do we need a management system for SDGs?

The future ISO certifiable standard for a management system for SDGs (ISO 52001 Management system for UN Sustainable development goals - Requirements for any organisation) will allow any organisation to define and establish a sustainable development strategy. Clear criteria are used for selecting relevant development goals and measures to achieve those goals. In doing so, your organisation can define and implement a sustainable strategy based on the SDGs.

The more companies adopt the standard, the further we advance in achieving the SDGs globally. Is your organisation already certified? Or are you currently using an existing management system? Then take that extra step and opt for this future ISO standard.

New 'Management system for SDGs' standards committee

The Belgian standards committee, NBN/I343 'Management system for SDGs', brings together all Belgian stakeholders interested in the future management system for SDGs.

Are you a subject matter expert in environment and climate, or sustainability in general? And would you like to follow ISO work closely and contribute to the development of the ISO 52001 standard? Then don't hesitate, and come to the (free) kick-off meeting on October 9 at 2 p.m. in Brussels.

Register for our kick-off event

On 9 October 2023, we're hosting a public kick-off event for the new NBN/I343 'Management system for SDGs' standards committee. Do you enjoy sharing your expertise on the environment and climate? Then be sure to join us!

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